Published annually, the journal Dumbarton Oaks Papers was founded in 1941 for the publication of articles relating to Byzantine civilization.
In this issue: Margaret Mullet, “Ruth Macrides: 1949–2019”; Sihong Lin, “Justin under Justinian: The Rise of Emperor Justinian II Revisited”; David Gyllenhaal, “Π?λις ? Μελιτην? μεγ?λη κα? πολυ?νθρωπος: Byzantine Melitene and the Social Milieu of the Syriac Renaissance”; Pavel Murdzhev, “The Introduction of the Moldboard Plow in Byzantine Thrace in the Eleventh Century”; Annemarie Weyl Carr, “The Lady and the Juggler: Mary East and West”; Robert Nelson, “A Miniature Mosaic Icon of St. Demetrios in Byzantium and the Renaissance”; Esra Akin-Kivanc, “In the Mirror of the Other: Imprints of Muslim–Christian Encounters in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Mediterranean”; Anna Chrysostomides, “John of Damascus’s Theology of Icons in the Context of Eighth-Century Palestinian Iconoclasm”; Max Ritter, “The Byzantine Afterlife of Procopius’s Buildings”; Jonathan Zecher, “Myths of Aerial Tollhouses and Their Tradition from George the Monk to the Life of Basil the Younger”; Nektarios Zarras, “Illness and Healing: The Ministry Cycle in the Chora Monastery and the Literary Oeuvre of Theodore Metochites”; and Aleksandr Andreev, “The Order of the Hours in the Yaroslavl Horologion.”
Colin M. Whiting is Managing Editor in Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
ISBN 9780884024835
Publication Date: 02/08/2022
320 pages
8-1/2 x 11 inches